Here are some questions people ask about getting back into playing accordion.
1. How easy is it to get back into playing?
Things that you learned as a child often come back more quickly than you think. Your brain has built the architecture for that skill when you were young – and you will be able to re-learn how to play the accordion relatively quickly. Don’t be embarrassed about what you have forgotten – get some help from a teacher or Edmonton Accordion Society mentor and you will soon be on your way to having a lot of enjoyment from your accordion.
2. How can you remember how to play?
If you have Palmer Hughes Accordion books or other method books, review the books. Ask someone from the Edmonton Accordion Society to play some of the songs for you. Record them with your phone and practice them. Start with easy pieces so that you feel rewarded quickly. Focus on basics – and consider practicing with a metronome.
3. What options are there for you to learn from EAS members and perform?
It’s helpful to listen to other accordion players who can demonstrate proper techniques such as how to hold your accordion, how to use the bellows to change the volume of your playing, phrasing and musicality. You can watch and listen and ask questions at the meetings.
4. Performing
· Once you have practiced a few songs, it is a valuable experience to play for an audience. The Edmonton Accordion Society meetings offer opportunities for players to perform (Second Thursday of most months at WESAC and Fourth Sunday of the month at South East Edmonton Seniors Centre. Please check the Edmonton Accordion website for dates and times as sometimes dates must change due to availability of these venues.). Expect to feel nervous when you perform – that’s normal for performers. One of our jokes is how much better our music sounds in our basement than when we perform in public. We can help alleviate some of the jitters you feel – just ask other accordionists at the meeting how they cope with performance jitters. Players can play for about 10-15 minutes at the meetings depending on how many accordionists sign up to play at the meeting.
5. Playing with larger groups
Edmonton Accordion Society members can share information about jamming with other groups. If you are interested in Jamming, our members can share information about the jams they enjoy.